Want to Join the WCFD #1 Team?
We are looking for highly motivated, hardworking members to join our team. WCFD #1 is staffed 24 hours a day 365 days a year with full time, part-time and volunteer Firefighter/EMT’s. When working a shift, you will be working as part of a great team, you will be learning valuable life skills, and skills to help advance yourself in the fire service. If you are interested in joining District #1 please complete an application and return it to the administrative office, location listed on “Contact” Page.
Want to learn more?
You can schedule a Teams Meeting with our Recruitment and Retention Coordinator to learn more about volunteering with WCFD#1.
Volunteer Application (printable)
Print and return to our Administrative Office. 101 E. Main Street Everson, WA 98247
Volunteer Application (fillable).
Download form, fill-in and email back to: district1@wcfd1.org